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Term Definition

Poor vision due to nonuse of an eye caused by underdevelopment of the visual pathway to the brain.


Development of blood vessels.


X-ray test to outline the blood vessels of an organ such as the brain. Uses a dye which is injected into a blood vessel (arteries) in the arm or groin. The dye shows up on the X-ray and therefore outlines all the blood vessels.

Angioid Streaks

Lines resembling blood vessels usually at the back of the eye.


Any malformation made up of blood vessels.


Any medication that counteracts seizures.

Aqueous shunts

Glaucoma drainage devices to reduce fluid pressure.




Unequal curve of the refractive surfaces of the eye, leading to a blurry image on the retina.

Babinski's Reflex

Stroking the sole of the foot should normally cause the big toe to point downwards. A babinski sign is when it points up instead, and the other toes fan out. Implies spasticity.


Both sides, as opposed to UNILATERAL (one side).


Enlarged size of the eye. Caused by Glaucoma.


An opacity in the lens of the eye. May obstruct vision.


Occuring from the time of birth.


Occuring on the opposite side.


Abnormal electrical discharge of the brain causing a motor, sensory, or behavioral disturbance.

Corpus Callosum

White matter connecting the left and right hemispheres (halves) of the brain.

Cutaneous Lesions

Skin lesions.


Skin doctor.

Focal Seizure

Seizure confined to one part of the body, eg eyes.

Forme Fruste

An aborted form of disease arrested before running its course. Thus the disease appears in an atypical form.

Frontal Lobe

Most forward part of the brain Deals with higher cognitive functioning eg planning.

Generalized Seizure

Seizure involving loss of consciousness.


Surgical procedure for removing obstructions to the free flow of aqueous humor into the Schlemm's canal of the eye.


A benign tumor of dilated blood vessels.


A weakness on one side of the body.


The extreme of hemiparesis where one side of the body is completely paralyzed.

Homonymous Hemianopsia

Visual impairment of one half of one's visual field eg left half of each visual field in each eye.


Intensive Care Unit in a hospital.


Branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune system.


Acting out apparently without thinking of the consequences.


Abdominal discomfort -- possibly including belching, heartburn, a feeling of fullness, bloating, and nausea.

Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn

Incurable chronic diseases of the intestinal tract. The two diseases are often grouped together as inflammatory bowel disease with similar symptoms. The most common symptoms of (IBD) include, but are not limited to Abdominal pain, Weight loss, Fever, Rectal bleeding, Skin and eye irritations, Diarrhea.


Hormone central to regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. Insulin causes cells in the liver, muscle, and fat tissue to take up glucose from the blood, storing it as glycogen in the liver and muscle

Intellectual disability

(formerly Mental Retardation disorder characterized by impaired brain functioning and deficits in behaviors such as learning and language.

Intercranial Calcification

Calcium deposits in the brain.

Intractable seizure

Seizure that cannot be controlled with medication.

Intravenous antibiotics

Antibiotics administered into the patient's vein.


Turned upside down or reverse; when a segment of a chromosome is reversed end-to-end.


On the same side.

IPV vaccine

(Inactivated poliovirus) vaccine helps prevent polio. It's injected 4 times over a number of years. It has replaced the older oral polio vaccine. Polio can cause muscle pain and paralysis of one or both legs or arms. It may also paralyze the muscles used to breathe and swallow. It can lead to death.

Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)

Overactive intestinal tract manifested by cramping, diarrhea and occasional constipation.


Local and temporary deficiency of blood supply due to obstruction of the circulation to a part.

Ischemic stroke

The sudden onset of a neurologic deficit attributable to a vascular cause.


Number of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell and what they look like under a light microscope.

Kaufman method for Apraxia

Way of teaching children with apraxia of speech the easiest way of saying words until they have increased motor-speech coordination. They are actually taught the shell of words without including too many of the complex consonants, vowels, or syllables which make a word too difficult to even attempt on a motor basis.

Ketogenic diet

High fat, high protein, low carb diet found helpful in some seizure disorders in infants.


Spine bulges at the upper back; humpbacked appearance

Large fleshy hands

When hands which appear fatty or puffy.

Lax Ligaments

Increased flexibility. Lax ligaments are loose joints, sometimes loosening of the dense tissue supporting bony joints so that the joints may overflex or become unstable.

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