
There are 189 entries in this glossary.
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Large fleshy hands

When hands which appear fatty or puffy.

Lax Ligaments

Increased flexibility. Lax ligaments are loose joints, sometimes loosening of the dense tissue supporting bony joints so that the joints may overflex or become unstable.

Levels of IgG, IgA & IgM

Protein antibodies used by the immune system to block and neutralize foreign material such as viruses and bacteria


Operation to remove one lobe of the brain.There are four lobes on each side of the brain:Frontal, Temporal, Parietal, Occiptal

Long Philtrum

Vertical groove that goes from the middle of the upper lip to the middle of the nasal septum is long .


Spine curves forward; also called "swayback".

Low blood pressure

Lower than normal pressure of blood in the arteries.

Low blood sugar

Lower that normal blood glucose; may cause hunger, nervousness, fatigue, sweating or moodiness.


Network of tiny vessels in tissue that carry a clear fluid called lymph into veins and back to the heart.


Excess fluid collects in the tissues causing swelling, usually of the arms or legs.

Lymphocyte proliferation

Increased production of a type of white blood cell rare tumors or normally.

Lymphocyte surface markers

Cells responsible for immune responses. There are two main types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells. The B cells make antibodies that attack bacteria and toxins while the T cells attack body cells themselves when they have been taken over by viruses.


Radiography of the lymphatic channels and lymph nodes after injection of radiopaque material (dye).


Diagnostic technique in which a two-dimensional picture of the lymphatic system is produced through the detection of radiation emitted by a radioactive substance administered into the body.