
There are 189 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition
Vacuum (used at birth)

A suction cup attached to the baby's head to ease delivery.

Varicella vaccine

Given to children once after they are 12 months old or to older children if they have never had chickenpox or been vaccinated (to prevent chickenpox). Varicella vaccine is given as a series of 2 shots.

Ventricular Septal Defect(VSD)

Caused by a defect in chromosome 22, results in the poor development of several body systems. Medical problems include heart defects, poor immune system.

Verbal Behavioral Therapy (VBA)

VBA is based on the principles of ABA therapy method with a different approach to the acquisition and function of language is Verbal Behavior (VB) therapy.

Vesicoureteral Reflux

Urine collects in the bladder, backs up the ureter and into the kidneys.

Vesicoureteral Reflux (Renal reflux)

Condition in which urine flows from the bladder, back up the ureter, and back into the kidneys.


Vagus nerve stimulation is designed to stop seizures by sending regular, mild pulses of electrical energy to the brain via the vagus nerve.